Hanna over at This Garden is Illegal made me do it. More random things!!!

This is the new social networking disease (SND)! This time, they are all garden-related and brief. If you want more long-winded random things, visit here and here, where you can also read the rules.

YOU are now officially tagged. (I can see you!) Please add your random things and your link in the comments section at the top of this posting. I am going off to get my shots.

  1. Foo%20Dogs.jpgNumber of rose bushes: 24. Don’t be impressed. My life is not a rose garden. Some are quite small and some are not doing very well.

  2. Number of pairs of garden gloves: 7. My all-purpose favorites are Foxgloves, of which I have three pair—two lavender pairs and one brown pair.
  3. Wintertime garden plans: Topiaries, cultivating my office light garden, more research on Colonial gardens.
  4. Currently reading: Harry Potter. Who isn’t?
  5. Gave up on: Blueberries. I had three varieties and none did well. I tore them out after three years.
  6. Favorite garden art: Foo dogs purchased at the New York Botanical Garden Antique Garden Furniture show.
  7. Always wanted to visit, but never have: White Flower Farm.


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