Does this look like the face of a killer?

Don’t let those big brown eyes and butterfly ears fool you. Inside this fuzzy little dog lies my secret weapon against deer. Inside this little 12-pound Papillon lurks the soul of a BEAST.


Exhibit #1

The deer stray into the BEAST’S territory on the south side of the house.


The deer are at first frozen by fear and trembling. But then, the bullet BEAST wakes their survival instincts. Sensing imminent death, the deer finally flee.

The BEAST brooks no foolishness from those hooved creatures and chases them off–all before breakfast.

Exhibit #2

The deer, being rather foolish deer, return to the north side of the house. One of the smaller stupid deer continues his feast on my antique roses. Oh, my. Not the antique roses! The BEAST knows I love my antique roses.


The BEAST is ready and waiting. Venison for lunch would be just fine.


She rushes to action, showing the offending deer and her friend the way…away.


Stupid deer.


Guess that’ll teach YOU who’s in charge of this joint.


Just checking to make sure they’re good and gone now.


Sophie, the BEAST’S little Papillon friend always takes a celebration pee. (You know how excitement affects a girl.) (Note the near dead lawn from the drought.)


Sophie also indulges in a little doga to stretch out the limbs.

To be fair, Sophie does her share of chasing deer. But today was her day off…

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